Thursday 11 August 2011

Super Alice!

I have reluctantly invested in some Go Faster running leggings. They aren't the most stylish item in my wardrobe, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't catch Kate Moss strutting down the runway in them at London Fashion week, but at least I can now tell people I am an 'athlete'.

I am unsure as to when one becomes an athlete, but I'm rather certain that the deciding factor is all in the leggings - the tighter, the shinier, the rubberier, the better.

I proudly showed my colleagues my new sportswear, only to be greeted with sniggers and wetsuit related comments (perhaps an allusion to my wet bike ride in the canal), but I'm becoming rather fond of them.

I feel rather similar to a superhero, albeit a frightfully ineffectual one. All superheros maintain the need to have a secret identity, and it seems they are powerless without their often shiny and lycra laden ensemble.

Once I have managed to wriggle* my way into my running get up, tied my hair back into the tightest of ponytails (not dissimilar to Vicky Pollard), tied the laces on my trainers in a triple knot, and activated Britney on my iPhone I suddenly have a superhuman thirst to go hell-bent for leather.

This is most definitely a placebo effect, but it's jolly well working, and my cat woman come wetsuit attire seems to have been worth the £33.95 I paid for them.

*Girls, imagine your 'skinny jeans', you know the ones you never throw away, or stick on eBay as you're certain that one day you WILL fit in to them? Now, imagine trying to get your calfs, thighs and hips into these jeans. I am certain you have all experienced a scenario when you're jumping up and down, yanking the waist up, squatting to try and make them that little bit stretchier, and lying on the floor, pulling in rage, sweating with anger and gritting your teeth in the deepest of frustration - this is my exact routine when trying to slip (!) into my Go Faster leggings...

Thursday 4 August 2011

Week 1, Day 3

...and another task completed.

I ran a little further this time, and didn't stop - not even once! When I arrived back to my starting point I was out of breath, but not completely knackered; my little legs were running sloppily, but I could have continued; the album on my iPhone had stopped, but could have been restarted. Basically, I was running well! I had one set back, and this was my right ankle.

I am rather ashamed to say what I am about to say, but I feel it is probably necessary! About 10 years ago my little brother, Ben was absolutely desperate for a pogo stick. He waited, and waited and finally Father Christmas managed to pop one down the chimney for him. Ben was delighted, and could not have been more excited about the prospect of pogo-ing himself here, there and everywhere. 

Ben was a little unsure as to what skills were needed in order to get the pogo-stick started, and so, as older sister I felt I was able to help him out. Now, pogo-sticks look pretty easy to work to me (probably about as easy as a space hopper, a scooter or a hopper popper), so I took the liberty of providing Ben with a demonstration on how to use said pogo-stick. 

Two bounces, one dislocated ankle and half an hour later I was in Stroud hospital conjuring up a less embarrassing explanation for my injury. The doctor on duty happened to be the Good Morning star, Dr Mark Porter, and to my horror (and my fathers!), my step-mother spent the majority of Christmas day swooning over Mark.

It's safe to say, it wasn't the best way to spend Christmas Day, and my dodgy ankle ensures I shall forever be reminded of yet another embarrassing incident.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

12 weeks to go...

With only 12 weeks to go until race day, I've realised that the only way I am now going to have even the slightest chance of completing 13.1 miles, is to follow a strict training plan, and stick to it.

My colleague, Hannah (Membership Assistant) has kindly provided my with a copy of Womens Running Magazine which includes a beginners guide to running the half marathon. The plan is scary, but do-able and so with a little help and encouragement, I actually now hold the belief I can do this.

In preparation I downloaded an iPhone application called Run Keeper in order to help me track my progress, and more honestly, to stop me from exaggerating when people ask me how my training is going. I am given updates from an American lady (whom I have named Britney), telling me how far I have run, how long I have been running for and my average mile time. Britney also plots my route on a map and stores it all online for me, which is particularly kind of her, and although she can be slightly annoying, I am pretty hopeful we'll become fond friends in no time.

So, my official 12-week training plan has begun. Yesterday was Week 1, Day 1 and I am proud to tell you I have completed my first task!

With Britney's help, I am now in a position to give you accurate and honest facts about my training. No porky pies and no exaggerating...promise!