Monday 19 September 2011

Before I begin my running ramblings, I would like to apologise for the lack of posts in the last month or so - I have absolutely no excuse, although I'm sure I can conjure up a dog ate the laptop, I've had a five week power cut, I've accidentally superglued the buttons on my keypad, {insert your own excuse here}. Anyhow, I am sorry.

So, apology accepted (hopefully!) I can now gloat about the fact that I ran nine miles at the weekend! 

My training has sort of gone out of the window the last few weeks, and I have been really struggling to find the motivation to get my running gear on and get outside. I've been using a whole host of excuses in order to get out of training, and I'm embarrassed to say that my 3-4 runs a week has whittled down to just 2 runs a week. Yet, I'm still managing to push myself that bit further each time, and Saturday was a real achievement for me. 

I decided to try a new route to mix things up a bit, and so drove down to my local Sainsbury, parked in the car park and ran along the cycle route. It was simply lovely. New surroundings really does make a huge difference, I wasn't counting down the miles and I was enjoying my time outside. 

I am starting to find I get into a bit of a routine. My first half a mile I'm all over the place (Phoebe from Friends style), then I seem to get the beginnings of a stitch, although it never really arrives, and I struggle. It takes me about two miles to finally get into a rhythm, but then I plod along just fine! 

Now, when I say plod, I mean it! People keep telling me as part of my training to try and increase my speed, and that if I push myself I'll be able to finish in a good time...blah blah. What a 'good time' to run a half marathon in is, I have no idea?! I'll simply be delighted to cross over that finishing line whether it be on two feet, or on all fours! 

Running nine miles isn't easy. As soon as I stopped my legs turned to jelly. I could barely walk to the car without falling over. As soon as I took my trainers off I realised my feet were going to be in all sorts of trouble, I won't divulge, but I think a pedicure is in order! My shoulders were sore, my ankle weak, my knees were feeling it too, but my biggest problem were my hips. I lunged my way around Sainsbury's searching desperately for a cold bottle of Lucozade and willing my hips to crack and release all the pressure. 

I have been reading up on recovery tips, but no amount of chocolate milkshake is going to help my hips. On race day, my legs will manage the 13 miles, my lungs will keep me going, and with a better fitting pair of trainers my feet will be fine, but I'm petrified my hips are going to be too painful for me to keep going. 

I'll be devastated if I don't finish on Race Day, no matter how much I hurt, how exhausted I am, and how much I want to stop, I simply can't not finish.